Tuesday 29 May 2007

DW: Episode 3.8

Now that's good television. Good Doctor Who...? But good television!

Very well done teaser. I'm certainly interested! Of course, I have read the book, but a long time ago. This is making me want to re-read it, but I'll wait until after the episodes are over (as, as far as I recall, the aliens in the book were a bit pants).

Certainly Paul Cornell has learnt a few things in the mean time, as these aliens really are menacing. And the scarecrows are perfect, showing a key point can be simplicity. In the book, I'm pretty sure the ending to the first half happens near the end, but obviously here needs to be brought forward to make for the cliffhanger.

Not that it's all good. There are a number of points made in Human Nature, and the episode here (quite rightly) focuses on the Doctor. But there is also the war aspect, only really hinted at here. That would be a more powerful message, but it is portrayed far more effectively in the book where there is the time to develop the message. (And because it isn't developed, I'm not really sure what to make of it here.)

But what's up with that kid, eh? Don't remember him from the book, but could very well be. At least there is the "daughter of mine" to offset him, and gets to be nice and creepy (and no-one questions the balloon?!). Hopefully there will be explanations to come.

'Cos I am definitely looking forward to part two. Great one there, Paul Cornell!

Next week: Yeah, that's gonna be real...

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