Wednesday 22 August 2007

The Passion of the Wet Fish

One of the many films Madonna has been in was Swept Away, directed by hubby Guy Ritchie. It's the story of a socialite (Maddy) who is shipwrecked with lowly boat boy (Adriano Giannini), the latter whom proves island-ready and lo! a relationship is formed out of adversity!

However, it's one that fails to convince, making the top ten list of worst screen chemistry pairings.

I can't say I'm surprised either, because... well... frankly, her own good role was in Evita (which, surprise, surprise, had a lot of singing!). Certainly more "aspiring" than "inspiring".

(The pointy brassiere goes to Foo, who is clearly more of a Madge watcher than me!)


Anonymous said...

Yaay, I win the pointy...wait just a darn tootin' minute! Well, I do know you're a fan so whenever I see something that will interest you I let you know :)

Jamas Enright said...

And yet you find these things more often than this fan. ;)

Anonymous said...

Pure luck I say!