Friday 27 May 2022


So, I'm guessing the point of this movie is "you are your own worse enemy"?

The basics of the movie is simple enough: girl becomes sick, girl gets clone, girl stops being sick, girl and clone have to fight to the death to earn the right to be the one left alive. Classic story.

The girl in this case is played by Karen Gillan, and when it comes to the eventual combat section, you know she already has a leg up on action poses. She and herself are easily differentiated as she gives the two characters different mannerisms and (more obviously) different hairstyles.

The other characters are largely just bit players in her story, although Aaron Paul gets some decent screen time. The production is mostly decent, with only a few times Karen didn't quite eyeline herself.

As to the essence of the story, there are a few considerations: own enemy as mentioned above, which aspect of yourself would survive, can you face yourself, etc...

But what confused me was not the ending itself (and what happened was obvious), but... were we supposed to be surprised by that? Because it was obvious, so what is revealed is just what we know. I'm not sure I get it beyond that. (And what happened to the car? Was there a deleted scene there?)

Watchable? Sure, but I was kinda hoping for something a little more nuanced.


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