Friday 3 June 2022

La panthère des neiges

Despite the original name, this is called The Velvet Queen, which is not a translation of the title. This movie was put on with the Wellington Zoo as they are building a new Snow Leopard enclosure.

This movie is about a couple of French men who go hunting in the mountains of Tibet. Where "hunting" means with cameras and binoculars. While they do see many animals, don't go expecting a lot of snow leopard footage. But do except long monologues about the silence...

Yes, I do acknowledge that there is some irony in a documentary about going and see animals in the wild which is fundraising for keeping animals in captivity. But I'm not going to get into the politics of zoos, but I will say... I love leopards, and if the snow leopards have a Close Encounter opportunity, I will be there!


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