Monday 3 October 2022

A Whole Lot Of Wanting

Hey, that George Miller does more than just Mad Max movies!

A woman finds a djinn, as one does, and so we have a meeting of tales. She is experienced with stories, and when the Djinn tells his she knows there is more to wishes that what people really want. But, and this is the real question, what does she want? And what will she do with it?

Unsurprisingly Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba (especially Idris) really pull this movie together. This is fantastically shot, and they show up fantastically in this! The story is... decent, but nothing really that important. It's stories about stories, and how those stories interact more than the story itself. Which means that this movie really leans more on its cinematography but fortunately that's very well executed. Some shots you would think were by Wes Anderson, yes they were that good!

However, one big complaint... I usually watch with subtitles on. One track was for when they were speaking English, another for when they weren't... hey, how about a track with both??

Still, that George Miller... does good work!


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