Sunday 12 March 2023

Luther The Fallen 'Ardcase

Can't remember if I mentioned it here, but I watched Luther, the BBC detective series starring Idris Elba, in which he did what he had to do, regardless of the cost. Just recently they came out with a TV movie that was in theatres for a bit, then released onto Netflix.

Luther is in prison but is taunted by a serial killer, and so he has to get out and go after him. I can't recall if the series ended up with him in prison, or if this was a quick set up of the movie to set some piece of plot going, but given of what I recall from the tv series, it doesn't surprise me he is in there.

Andy Serkis is the villain of the piece, and boy is he having fun, as he often does, but his character is a real piece of work and this movie goes hard and dark with him. And whoever did the costuming made a decision with that hair piece.

This is not a pleasant movie. And while that is in keeping with the series, either I didn't remember the series fully, or the writer went extra for this movie, 'cos this is very hardcore.

Definitely one to watch if you like the show, but don't expect the warm fuzzies.


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