Tuesday 11 July 2023

Amazing Morris

I've seen a few adaptations of Pterry's work, and this is one of them.

This is based on the idea of the Pied Piper with the conceit of: what if the rats are in on it? From there, we go with Maurice and his rodents as they come to a town where the nastiest rats in town aren't the ones that just arrived. Mixed with that is the idea of identity and what does it mean to be intelligent.

This is an odd adaptation, in that a lot of the focus moves from the rats to the humans. And there is a strange narrative device of who is the narrator that adds... nothing that I can tell, other than portentous framing that doesn't help.

That said, there are some great voices in this, Hugh Laurie, Emilia Clarke, David Thelis, David Tennant, and many more! The animation style is that kind of weird skinny humans that take some getting used to, but it's fine.

I hoped for more about the rats, but this is more of a standard version of this story, so there is more that could be done as a possibility, but there are worse realisations than this movie.


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