Tuesday 4 July 2023

Dail of Density

Is this what the kids call "mid"? It definitely wasn't high action.

I never saw any trailers for this, so I have no idea what about the plot is revealed. With that in mind, I'm gonna be careful what I saw, but I do want to point things out, so you may just want to skip over this.

We start with a bit of early Indy in which Harrison Ford is CGI'd into his younger self as well as Jackson was for young Fury in Captain Marvel. We then go to current day and Harrison is barely able to move about the scenes... which really plays hard with the "big action sequences" in which... they used to be high action, but now they are medium action as Harrison can't do the things he used to. The movie tries to make it exciting, but it is all lower key music and scenes and it just doesn't work.

This movie is two and a half hours long... (of which 15 minutes is end credits, you don't need to stay through those). And it could be cut down so easily. All those big "action" pieces? They just go on too long, and they aren't fun. Just the same beats over and over. Cut them down.

And as for the plot gimmick dial... that is barely worth it either. It is entirely a macguffin, it doesn't have any specialty to it, and the end scene it leads to... it wastes that too.

I know people hate Crystal Skull. I think that's fine, but I can see people comparing this to that and this coming off better... but this movie is just so "meh" it isn't worth bothering with.

I gather people are waiting for it to hit D+. Yeah, I can agree with that.


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