Wednesday 15 November 2023

Oppy Heimer Style

So this is the other half of that event. At least I could control the sound assaulting me.

This is the big event as through the eyes of one of the big men involved. With splitting (sic) between getting to the bomb, and the other part dealing with the fallout (sic). And... it goes on and on.

It's not surprising that this didn't need to be three hours. A lot of scenes could be cut and still get the point. With this sort of movie, the physics don't really matter, so you can skip a lot of that to get the emotional point. [And don't tell me they didn't abridge the physics. I don't care Nolan modelled a black hole, there's no way you are spending time educating people on quantum physics enough to understand everything, so if we are able to skip some detail, we can skip more.]

As we are post-bomb, while this movie is starring Cillian Murphy, this is also Robert Downey Jr.'s movie. There are quite a few big names here, and as for the women... wow, Nolan has trouble with woman, but basically we have Emily Blunt and Florence Pugh, and that's about it. I do wonder if Pugh would have agreed to this script if it wasn't Nolan, 'cos I'm not sure we needed those scenes with her either.

This is two (related) movies shoved into one. To be honest, I found the second one, the trial, far more interesting that the first, the bomb. No doubt the first one had to be told, but as background to the second, compress it and explode the second.

Oh, and speaking of Nolan, I still need to watch Dunkirk...


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