Wednesday 19 June 2024


It was there, so I watched it.

Timothée Chalamet is a chap in a purple jacket that can bend the laws of reality around him, and we're supposed to be amazed when he ends up in a wash house. Which isn't a problem, but there's this Chocolate Cartel and corrupt cops because of course there are (although there is only one corrupt cop, who becomes fat, because as we all know people in fat suits are funny!). But everything is fine, because the secret is it was the friends we made along the way.

This is a twee movie. But it is American twee... which means it's not a good twee. Even though this is English. Certainly there are a lot of big English names in this, Olivia Colman, Paterson Joseph, Rowan Atkinson, Simon Farnaby, Charlotte Ritchie, and of course Hugh Grant in an abomniable CGI performance. And Keegan-Michael Key for the USians. Great names, great actors, what the heck are they doing in this? Cashing an easy paycheck, hopefully.

It looks all right, quite pretty... and there are the songs.. I don't mind the songs themselves, but I don't like being teased with Pure Imagination every five minutes. Get your own music!

But after all this.... hopefully we won't get the Wonkaverse now?


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