Wednesday 12 June 2024


Garth Marenghi did a movie? Well, no, but Matthew Holness did!

Philip is a strange man, who made a puppet. A puppet he wants to destroy. He returns to his old home, to try to do so. But his uncle is there. And so is his past. And it's all unpleasent.

Garth may be black comedy, but this is just black. (If is it comedy, it's way over my head.) Instead it is a portrayal about childhood horrors and dealing with your past. Where your past is represented by a spider puppet with a manniquin head. It's weird is what it is. I would almost say "Lynchian" but that's for better movie scholars than me to compare. Certainly a lot of odd composition of shots and rather jumping around narration, which feels on point for that director.

Sean Harris is playing the lead role, and he does so wonderfully with great affectation. Alun Armstrong is the undle, and is more than suitably creepy. It's a simple shot, mainly in a rather run down area of the country, and the big effect is the puppet... which is also creepy.

Quite a different tone from his other works, but I can believe that Matthew Holness did this, and it is right on spot for him.


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