Tuesday 30 July 2024

See these Eggs NOW!!!

See something about this?
These are all "easter eggs" videos. Understandable because it's current, so got to get those clicks. (Note: I haven't clicked.)

But... these came out right after the movie launched... so how did they have the time to find and detail all those easter eggs? Sit through several screenings straight away?

And if they have images (I haven't checked, because, as I said, I haven't watched), where did they get images from? Camera pointed at the screen? Some have done that (I saw an "Ending explained!" video). That feels... wrong. Or they got a hold of the actual film file somehow, which is... how? One big channel might, but not all of these.

This is a need for clicks, but I disbelieve all this was done above board. But... they need the clicks!


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Friday 26 July 2024

Deaderine & Wolvpool

Not the first available screening, but the second day, still, got there.

I went into this without having seen the final trailer that apparently gave away a lot of the stakes, and also deliberately skipped reviews, and I think I am the better for it. Yes, we can have the whole "spoilers don't matter" discussion, but sod it, I went in unknowning, so I'm not going to explain it to you.

This is a fine outing for Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Have to say that Hugh does get some more emotional scenes than Ryan does, so be ready for those. There are some amazing camoes I knew nothing about, so I won't say anything other than "damn, they look fine!". Although they clearly wanted Richard E. Grant over Matthew Macfadyen.

And yes, a lot of humour, R-rated so. Indeed, Event Cinema kept saying "This is R16, so have photo id ready!" Didn't see anyone checking for id, but then I can't say I saw anyone suspiciously young. But yeah, lots of laughs to be had, as well as cheers.

Overall, the story is... well, meh, to be honest, but this isn't a movie you are going to for a deep plot. It is Deadpool after all. Definitely enough to keep going, but more something to string everything together.

If you can hold out for the D+ release, that's fine, this isn't something you need to see in the theatre... but this is something that people can give away a lot of the best reveals to.


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Thursday 25 July 2024

Apes of the Kingdom of the Planet

I eventually got around to seeing this... and I have questions... some of which are even answered!

Noa is good ape, he lives with his clan, he has father issues... then Proximus Caeser wipes out his clan and so he goes on a revenge streak. Which sort of happens. He teams up with the human of the movie, and together they deal with the second half of the movie together. (Hmm... two togethers... eh, I'm gonna leave it.)

I have to say, the human manages to have quite good clothing standards, even if clothes are still around that it dubious... but we do get an answer for that. And how she knows so much. And that that background will lead to another movie definitely where humans and apes clash again. So that will be coming.

More impressive, with less explanation, is that a wooden bridge is still standing. Do the apes maintain it? Do they understand bridge setups? 'Cos that bridge should not still be standing after "many generations". Yes, I actually thought about this during the movie.

But all that aside, I did wonder how this was an Apes movie at first. It could have been any story, and yes universal ideas, but this isn't any movie, this is in the Apes franchise! Fortunately, we get there and... I enjoyed it! Yes, even after all the complaining above, I did enjoy this. Well performed, well CGI'd, well done all around.

I don't miss seeing this in the theater, so check it out when you can, and no doubt in a few years we will get another one.


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Friday 19 July 2024

Axle efF

As threatened, let's watch! No, I'm not going to do a full break down because this movie is not several decades old (yet).

This is following the previous movie, we have a Detriot thing, then out to Beverly Hills. Hey, they even reference the other movies! (I assume, still haven't seen them.) But this is very current day, Axel even has a daughter now! But as this is 2024, it's about dirty cops (and the main bad guy is IMMEDIATELY obvious - but everyone knows it).

The jokes... the jokes just don't work. They did back in '84, but now this is just a sad old man trying to be funny again, and it does not work. On the plus side, they got back a LOT of the actors from the first movie (even Bronson Pinchot!), and it's great to see them again, after having just seen them earlier in the week and 40 years ago! But they have aged a lot (haven't we all). I do welcome Joseph Gordon-Levitt to the cast.

This is better than the Indiana Jones disaster, but... not by much. I was hoping this was going to be a throwback to '80s style, but they updated it and... it doesn't cut any mustard.

Oh, and Theme count: 10. Although they did more different rearrangements than I spotted last time.

Dammit... I'm gonna go watch the intervening movies...


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Tuesday 16 July 2024

Bevvy Hills Cop

With the "sequel" just out (there were many sequels), I decided to check out the original first.

It's a classic (well, classic now) start with Foley doing a deal, the police chase him... and he turns out to be a cop! Wow! That's been used to much now! Heading home after the failed bust (theme tune count: 1), there's an old friend waiting for him, but after some banter, he gets taken out, and Foley decides to look into the case... in Beverly Hills, that's where he wants to be! He Axel's his way into a hotel and later into the bad guy's lair (theme tune count: 2), and yes, it's obvious this is the bad guy. He's arrested by the local cops (theme tune count: 3), and meets the other buddy cops. After banana'ing their car, he heads to the warehouse (theme tune count: 4) where he finds the plot. He gets the minions to do his paperwork, but that scene goes nowhere. He swaps out buddy cops for a second pair, tails the bad guy (theme tune count: 5) but is arrested again. Axel gets all the cops together, explains the plot, barely gets one buddy cop on side, and goes back to the warehouse (theme tune count: 6) where the token woman of the movie gets kidnapped. They all head to the bad guy's place to rescue her (theme tune count: 7) where they have a full on 80s gun fight. The bad guys gets shot, and fortunately everything turns out all right, huzzah!

Most people remember Eddie Murphy (of course) and Judge Reinhold, but we also have Ronny Cox, Steven Berkoff, Jonathan Banks, Bronson Pinchot, Paul Reiser, and one Damon Wayans. And a full on soundtrack of 80s hits that would overflow a CD.

Still enjoyable, even today, it's a fun movie where even the bumbling cops aren't terrible. I'm going to jump over all those other sequels and go straigh to the Netflix movie...

And I'm not sure I caught all instances of the theme tune, but you know it:


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Monday 15 July 2024

Doctor Who Exhibition

We had a Doctor Who Exhibition come to town, so of course I had to go! While there certainly were props from the show (and I took lots of photos), this was also a chance for them to get into various bits of science, and about a 1/3 of the things were science related, with maybe a Doctor Who link.
They did get Mark Gatiss to do some host segments, and Zoe Wannamaker to do a Cassandra cameo, so that's nice.
There was a good mix of classic and new Who stuff, with an understandable focus on the more recent series (because that would be an easier source of props).
Full collection of photos here.


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Thursday 4 July 2024

Monolith Monsters

I was listening to Hypnogoria talk about this movie in his Universal Horrors series, and it appealed to me as something to watch!

A meteor strikes down in the desert, scattering black rock around. It seems harmless enough until someone gets a sample wet, and then the stone grows until it falls down, shatters, spreading more of it. And people become petrified by it. Geologist Dave Miller gets onto it, but can he work out what is causing it? And more importantly, how to stop it? And then it rains...

This is a cracking wee adventure. No bug eyed monsters or enlargened insects, just some "natural" events happening. It's only 77 minutes, but it keeps up the pace and is better than many a movie one could name today.

It's probably due to what I've been consuming recently, but this could have easily been a Doctor Who adventure, of the Third Doctor and UNIT. This would be right up their alley.

Some times, the oldies are goodies.


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