Tuesday 13 August 2024

Bbbbad Bbboys: Ride or DON'T

I do wonder how much this movie is just Martin and Will wanting to hang out together.

After Mike's wedding, Marcus gets a vision that a movie is about to happen... and then they find out their old boss was dirty. Clearly, that is rubbish, so time to go on the run to find out what really is going on and...

This movie feels very long. I was half-way through it and already felt I had been watching it for ages. This is just under two hours, but I'm fairly sure a good (bad?) thirty minutes could be chopped out without anything missing. Mainly excuses for set pieces for "comedy" action, with a big stretch to get there for many of them.

This feels a lot like a sequel to BB3... although it only feels like it, I can't say for sure, 'cos I haven't seen the other movies since ages, so went in purely on vibes, and this movie just has so many characters I'm sure we're supposed to care about because we already know them. Nope, remember them not at all. And hey, the two male leads have grown up male children so that... there can be action pieces of guys fights a bunch of people without having to pretend that Martin or Will could do that.

This movie doesn't feel like we needed it. Will there be a BB5? Possibly, the next time Martin and Will want to share a project again.


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