Tuesday 22 November 2022

Catching The Bus

Last week was Desert Bus... so it's gone. But you can still watch what happened.

This is all thanks to the Video Strike Team. So named because within minutes of something happening on the bus, they have a clip on the YouTube channel.

But so much happened! If only there was some way to sort the highlights!

There is a spreadsheet listing basically everything that happened during the run, from Coffee Pong to This or That to interviews to just chatting... and there are links to all the video clips. So browse and click through to anything interesting.

And then there's the poster. M Lee Lunsford creates it each year, putting on key highlights. But because this is the internet, this is an interactive poster. See something weird or draws your attention? You can click through to see where that come from!

And if that is still not enough... after about a month, there will be a full torrent of the entire run! Lately in both high and low def, but these are chonky bois these days (as the kids call it). Thicc! But it is everything you can want.

And this is all available for all DB runs, although prior to DB5 it's more hit and miss as to what got archived. But hey, it's more than you have at the moment!


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