Sunday 9 June 2024

I Protest!

Save our Jobs - Stop the cuts!
People over profits - Stop the cuts!

So we had a wee protest yesterday... and people were there

When workers rights are under attack - Stand up, Fight Back!

And since I was there, I have some comments.... first, being on a Saturday, great so us public servants could be there, but that did mean not a lot of goverment was actually disrupted. And we walked down Tory Street, so the amount of traffic disturbed was... not a lot, aside from a few intersections.

Hey hey, ho ho - This backwards budget's got to go!

I was near the back, so had this big sound going on... which did make it hard to hear there was chanting, let alone join in.

When they say cut back - We stay fight back!
Cut back! - Fight back!
Cut back! - Fight back!

It looks like a good turnout. However, we'll see if anything happens from this.


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