Friday 7 June 2024

The MCU Issue

Talking about Marvel and their issues with trying to get their MCU happening...

A problem, to me, is that we have this media (tv and movies) trying to ape their source, which is... I dunno, 100 comics a month pumping out new stories? Half of which are Spiderman, 2/3rds are X-Men and the rest are everything else.

At least when they are just doing one property, eg XMen or Blade, they were contained and didn't need to worry about the larger universe. But now they want to have interconnectivity across everything, and just aren't getting there.

As much as the problem was "putting out too much" in many ways they weren't putting out enough. You need lots of stories happening if you want to capture the heroes by themselves as well as crossing over, and frankly if they really wanted to, Disney could have several movies and shows in production if they wanted to, but the other side is that costs, a hell of a lot more than comics do, so they can't go down that route.

You end up with as much as an MCU is a good idea in theory, you just can't keep the supply up to meet the demand of what people want. (Which is quality of stories as well as quantity of stories.)


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