Sunday 2 June 2024


Oh, hey, this is on Disney, okay I'll watch it there!

A young woman joins a convent in Italy as part of her religious journey, but discovers there is a kid that is a "bad child". Along the way she finds there is a particular sect with their own ideas about how to bring people back to the church, but their plans threaten to overwhelm her.

The conceit of this movie is that they need to breed a proper female vessel before they can breed the antichrist. This aligns with some fundamental Christian beliefs that because Jesus came from an Immaculate Birth then Mary also had to be an Immaculate Birth because how could something not-immaculate give birth to a proper immaculate being (don't ask about Mary's parents, I have no idea). And the main character in this movie is called Margaret. Yeah, I saw the big "twist" coming, although I'm not sure if anyone was supposed to be surprised by it and didn't see it coming?

There are also a few beats from the previous movies, such as a caring figure killing themselves, and strange deaths happening to some. But the whole movie just peaks at around 80/90 minutes and just continues just spinning wheels, playing out the required plot for the rest of the running time.

This movie oddly has big names in it, Charles Dance, Bill Nighy, Ralph Ineson... not sure why they signed on, I can't say this is a super big franchise (although I've clearly watched them).

I have no idea if there will be more. There could be a sequel, of a sort, with characters from this, but frankly they should properly reboot the whole thing into the current time.


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